April PPEO Board Meeting

The April general membership meeting is on Wednesday, April 16 and will be held at the Local 39 office in Auburn (3272 Fortune Ct, Auburn). The meeting starts at 5:30 PM.  All PPEO members are welcome to attend!

Members may also attend the meeting via Zoom.  You will be required to sign-in to Zoom and provide your first and last name in order to be admitted to the meeting.  WE WILL NOT ADMIT ANYONE WHOM WE CANNOT VERIFY IS A MEMBER.

An email with the Zoom link in formation will be sent the week of the meeting to those members who have registered on our website.  If you are a member and have not yet registered, please register here.

Date(s) - 04/16/2025
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Local 39 Office
